My home for the next 4 months!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


New Apparel
Annoying Guy on the Train
Sorry I know it has been awhile, but I have been so busy traveling and preparing for the Uni Games. But on Friday night Marisa and I managed to find out way downtown to Brisbane to see our FIRST RUGBY GAME!!! Needless to say it was amazing, we were cheering for the Gold Coast Titans who were playing against Sydney Roosters in the semi-final game. On Friday we had a busy game, we had volleyball training and then a meeting for the Uni Games so we were kind of rushed to catch each bus and train, but we succeeded!!  We arrived right at kick off and just in time to grab a glass of wine, however, we quickly learned that you can't drink alcohol while sitting in your seats. So this is very different than American sports where we all watched the games and drink the entire time. But as we settled in our seats we also realized that we don't know ANYTHING about rugby, so then we asked the guys sitting next to us to explain the basic rules about the game. In no time we understood majority of it, and we were even cheering for the titans loudly and proudly! Of course we couldn't leave without getting some apparel to show our team spirit. After leaving the stadium it was madness, there were thousand of people every where all trying to get of the trains mostly back to the Gold Coast. We met up with the guys in our group and quickly maneuvered through the large crowds to the train station. We realized we had one minute to run to our platform to catch our train. Once we got to our platform Marisa and I pushed through people to jump to the front of the line where we met up with other guys from our University. The train was max capacity and of course Marisa and I had to stand the whole hour and half ride back. But it gets better...Once we got settled on the train we quickly found out we were standing next to this guy who did NOT shut up the entire ride; he told us about his sister, his phone, his parents, ALL the Harry Potter books and movie, and much more. Once we FINALLY reached our stop we were graced with silence and then grabbed a taxi back to Bond Uni. We were exhausted when we finally made our way back and just called it a night.  I will hope to catch up later with the post, but for now I need to get ready for "Retro Sports" party theme tonight. I made it to Perth!!...and enjoying every aspect!! Can't wait to post a post about it soon!!

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