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Friday, September 17, 2010

Ending of a GREAT Week!

Now I have to play catch up again with my blog....I kind of view this as my job, I love 're-living' my days through this blog and sharing them with you all.  I have come to realize that there are many more viewers than I have thought, and I love that!
I want to share with you all my view from my room every morning when I wake up. The longer and longer I am here I see more of a resemblance with my University and a nice resort.

After spending most of Wednesday in my bed, I managed to get up and go for a run (continuing with my training) and ran for about 35 minutes and then did some of my homework and laid around the rest of the day until we all got dinner at 'Cafe Bond'. Cafe Bond is our main source for eating on campus and it really is like a gourmet meal at any point of the day. The first day we went there and we were all so happy about how great the food and how we could use our meal plans, however, the Australian students told us that the food wasn't good at all and it was not gourmet at all. I have no idea what their standards are but we all thought it was amazing!! 

On Thursday we went to the library, and tried to be productive. I then went for a run around the local subdivision and found some really cool houses. My run lasted about 30 minutes and then I walked around to explore more of the houses. After my run we had to go to beach volleyball training at 4pm, where we met a lot of volleyball players and hopefully some that will be traveling to Perth with us. Felipe is a guy who goes to Bond and is from Chile he has a thick accent but is very fun to talk to. He then informed Marisa and I that we have indoor training from 6pm-8pm  right after beach training...We weren't looking forward to this at all. However, we thought we had a practice tournament this coming weekend in Coolangata so we thought the extra training would be essential for us. After 3 hours of volleyball we quickly came back to our room exhausted but pulled it together and managed to get ready and go down to Don's ( its our schools Tavern about 100 steps from our dorm) just to hang out and meet people. We saw many people from Orientation week but we couldn't put any names on the faces, I guess this is due to the amount of people we met and also the amount of alcohol we consumed. However, Thursday was a good relaxed night spent with a lot of good friends sitting around drinking, and people watching. O yeah...One more note about Thursday night is that us girls were sitting at a table and were quickly approached by "professor" this guy literally looked older than my dad! Before I even knew he was walking up to us I said "I hope dad over there talks to us", my wish was quickly granted. However, he would NOT leave us alone!! He claimed to be a 28 year old undergrad, but would not tell us what he was studying. So I have concluded that he was a professor about 35-45 years old who just really enjoyed his students. Of course me loving to mess with people kept the conversation going and also managed to meet quite a few interesting people just to mention a few...Mr. Bean ( a guy in our group of friends who creeps in all pictures), crazy eddy ( a west coast kid who loves fist pumping by himself) and crazy drunk ( this infamous girl who is always SLOSHed every night).  This concludes my Thursday night and I am quite impressed with all the stuff that I remember!

On Friday morning I woke up went for a run (40 minutes now!!!), and then came back to my dorm to quickly get ready for the involvement fair that was going on throughout campus. This fair was nothing like I have ever seen before...We walked around and I signed up for soccer, basketball, and scuba diving ( this part was normal). We then signed up for VIP for all the clubs in the area, and signed up for BASIC (Beer Appreciation and Social Intercourse Club) such a great academic club! Upon joining we were granted a free pass to drink from the keg throughout the fair and the rest of the day. Unfortunately, I don't drink beer so this wasn't much help for me. We then all went to grab lunch before we jumped on the bus for 'Bond Behind Bars' which was described to us as a bus that took us around BroadBeach and Surfer's Paradise. It ended up being a HUGE pub crawl! Which was a lot of fun, we met SOOO many people. At our first stop, Robina Tavern we were given a shot of pre-made vodka mix and then I proceeded to enjoy a small bottle of white wine, and another pre-made drink. We were then rounded up at went back on the bus to make our way to CBD where we met Pauly D (look alike) and Wes who were law students at Bond and who Marisa and I were able to hold a conversation with about sports. Alec would be glad to know that I have been brushing up my NFL knowledge however, still have no idea who my favorite team is, but I took Alec's advice and he told me whenever anyone ask I say Denver Broncos, because that's his. So when the guys asked me why it was my favorite team I just had to say "I don't know it's my boyfriends and he told me that it was mine too". I think this is when they figured that I'm really not that big of a sports bluff. We then went to East, where we all just spent time with our new Asian friends and admired the crazy prices on the drinks ( 2 vodka tonics=$42..SORRY DAD). After East is where it got pretty interesting, we went to Mermaid Beach Tavern which was also so interesting...I ran into this guy who clearly pointed out that we were from America too!! We quickly figured out that we is from Kansas and knew my cousin Lily and her friends....but, Im sorry can't remember his name...We then walked down the stairs to find pokies (which are slot machines) and strippers?? We ran right back upstairs as we realized we were out of place. We then jumped on the bus again and ended the night at our final destination SHOOTERS in Surfer's Paradise. We stayed there till about 11...which was early but since we started at 2:30pm I was fine with leaving. All and all the day/night was awesome!! We met soo many people and saw a lot of cool places. I got back to our dorm and skyped with my dad who was just getting to work, and also Alec who was going to class; such a GREAT way to end my day. 

I woke up this morning (its Saturday morning at 11am and Friday night in the States) and quickly uploaded pictures and talked to Alec. He informed me that he was on his way to Joey's football game, I was quickly nostalgic for MD football and Breese....He then informed me that he was hanging out with my little cousin Martin and Thomas, and was talking with my dad and brother, although I am SOO jealous of him for this I am glad that he helps me feel so connected with stuff back at home. Today we are going to play some volleyball, go to the beach, and probably print some pictures for my Photography class. I think I'm going to take it easy tonight and just hang out. O yeah...our volleyball tournament was canceled which was very lucky for us because of the Pub Crawl but we really need to work on our beach volleyball. 

Hope you enjoy this post!! I will try to be a little more persistent with the blog though, but for now I need to get out of my bed, and be productive and do something!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!! 

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